Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds

Dr Yezdi Mistry is a fully qualified Specialist Cosmetic and Plastic Surgeon based in Newcastle, NSW. Dr Mistry needed a new personal brand which encompasses the key traits of Family, Empathy and Happiness. Along with a new personal brand, new brand collateral and a fresh website design was proposed for Dr Mistry’s practice.


Client: Dr Mistry for Surf Pacific
Web Development: Marcus Chan

Brand Identity, Art Direction, Website Design, Brand collateral, Print design and Social Mockups.

Brand: Launched
Website: Visit the live site.



Dr Mistry: Discovery Session

As per the initial discovery session, Dr Mistry revealed that he identifies the Sea Turtle as his spirit animal, the humble and happy Sea Turtle is taken as the point of origination for the logo design.

Dr Mistry also acknowledged that he’s at his happiest when he’s with his family. His wife, Anna and two daughters, Ava and Maya are the pillars of his life and he’s at home amongst his family, no matter where they are.

Dr Mistry: Behind the Logo

The personal brand for Dr Mistry stands tall with the two pillars synonymous with Dr Mistry’s two daughters holding the ‘Y’ in between. Plus, the integration of the initials of Dr Mistry’s family using the interplay of positive and negative spaces lends additional personalised value to the icon.

Following the footsteps of Dr Mistry in naming his second daughter, the thought process behind the design of the logo integrates the same emotion of wholesome family love. And it’s origination from Dr Mistry’s spirit animal depicts calmness, happiness and joviality.

Brand Collateral

Brand Collateral

Website Design

Website Design


Good Thoughts


Good Words


Good Deeds


Biography Films